OSFLOW lecture in Freiburg-Opfingen
Lecture OSFLOW and OSFLOW Therapy Wednesday, September 20, 2017, 6:30 pm at the Bader winery in Freiburg-Opfingen Jürgen Lütke-Wenning Physiotherapist, Taiji teacher and inventor of the OSFLOW talks about the background, as well as the origin of the Osflow method and its latest developments. Among other things, the movement concept deals with the exciting possibility of conscious fascia control and activation. Exercises and forms of Taiji and Qigong serve as a medium. He also explains Osflow therapy and presents it as part of live treatment sequences. Here you have the opportunity to get to know the OSFLOW, the OSFLOW therapy and the movement concept according to the OSFLOW method with the special fascia activation in a cozy round and to exchange ideas. Admission against donation – the proceeds go to the FriendCircle WorldHelp! Registration requested at Kai Schnurr: Tel.: 07664 – 40 48 76 E-Mail: kai.schnurr@web.de